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Wario dismisses Fifa crisis as ‘political vibes’

The Government opted an indifferent stance on the unfolding saga within the world football governing body that has resulted in Fifa slapping harsh sanctions against seven senior officials implicated in corruption.

Sports Cabinet Secretary Hassan Wario has however dismissed this development, instead terming the events in Zurich as “political vibes” .

“Remember it is political time at Fifa and thus such moves cannot immediately be verified. We are keenly following the events while waiting for the vibes to settle, and see if any action will be taken,” Wario told Nairobi News.


Wario’s sentiments seem justified, atleast on the basis of the Government’s reluctance to crack the whip against suspected corrupt officials in the local football federation amid fear of sanctions from Fifa on the basis of “Government interference”.

In a statement displayed on its website, Fifa announced a subsequent ban on eleven of its senior members including Jeffery Webb, Eduardo Li, Julio Rocha, Costas Takkas, Jack Warner, Eugenio Figueredo, Rafael Esquivel, Jose Maria Marin, Nicolas Leoz, Chuck Blazer and Daryll Warner.

Fifa President Sepp Blatter has also emphasized that “such misconduct has no place in football and we will ensure that those who engage in it are put out of the game”.