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New year, new love: Here’s how to stand out and catch someone’s eye

You are probably coming out of a season of either intentional or unintentional loneliness, love betrayal, boring romantic life, or a phase where you hated anything to do with relationships and are ready to jump back into the dating waters- however murky, flooded, and shark-infested they may be. You are hopeful to find the right person who fits you and we are here to help.

Billions of New Year resolutions have been made worldwide about this- finding new love. But see, new love is not easy.

It is tiring having to re-introduce yourself and your life to a new person every time an encounter does not work, it is draining to lay out all your emotions on the table and watch in anxiety to see if a potential partner will pick them up and it is a bitter journey when things do not pan out the way you expect them to.

It is also scary to jump back into this dating pool because not everyone is dating with the right intentions- there are piranhas in those waters, infesting them and looking to devour and leave simply.

But today, we want to focus on your resolution to find new love and how you can go about capturing someone’s eye without going down the usual beaten, muddy path of flirting and capture method.

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Here’s how:

  1. First impressions matter a lot. You will be judged within the first five seconds of appearing in front of your potential lover. So you also need to ‘dress up’ your first impression. Smile and laugh a lot- it is highly contagious, and it will create a warm rapport between you and your crush. You will draw them in with your vibe and, hopefully, ‘lock them down’ into a second date.
  2. Obviously, you want to be attractive. Being attractive means different things to different people. Some people like fashion, others like intelligent or genius minds, technical or mechanical people, others like free-spirited people, while others like bold and confident people. Play up whatever is attractive about you and lure them in. You don’t have to seductively flirt with them or issue white lies to appear and sound better than you really are. You might have something that already attracts them without you having to become ‘fake’.
  3. Wear your heart on your sleeve at the right moments. Some people are looking for partners with great hearts who are empathetic, compassionate, and authentic. Don’t overdo or fake it to appear like the second Mother Theresa- they will see right through you.
  4. Don’t be set in your ways about what love is. Love means different things to different people as well. Be open-minded about it and be open to experiencing it in a different way than what you are used to. You probably suffered for love because you were used to it being a certain way, but a new ‘template’ of love could be what you need to experience interesting yet stable love for a change.

Do you have any other ways one can use to catch a potential lover’s eye? Do let us know…