Family drama: Son threatens to ‘wipe out’ police boss relatives
A police officer attached to the General Service Unit (GSU) found himself on the wrong side of the law after allegedly threatening to “wipe out” his own family, including his father, who is a senior officer stationed at Vigilance House, the police headquarters.
The officer in question, Victor Makhoha Mwivanda, was taken into custody by his fellow officers from Mihang’o police station on the night of Sunday, October 1, 2023. His arrest followed a domestic dispute that escalated to threats of violence.
According to police reports, the altercation began when Victor, who is ordinarily attached to Nakumoruturkwel in West Pokot but was currently on off-duty status, arrived home inebriated.
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He proceeded to engage in a heated argument with his wife, Ms Gaudencia Nyaboke, who had recently given birth to their child.
“The officer arrived home late, and he was drunk. He started quarreling with his wife Ms Nyaboke, a mother of a two-week-old baby, over some cash. He went on and started shouting at her and breaking window panes,” stated a police report seen by our reporter.
In a fit of rage, Victor allegedly shattered the window panes in their bedroom, prompting his father, Mr Noah Mwivanda, who is an Assistant Inspector General of Police based at Vigilance House, to intervene.
However, instead of calming the situation, the son became even more violent and unruly.
Reportedly, he brandished a kitchen knife and began making threats against his wife, infant child, and parents over the disputed money.
Fearing that his son was on the verge of causing severe harm, Mr Mwivanda made a distress call to Mihang’o police station.
Officers promptly responded to the scene and apprehended Victor.
The arrested officer was taken to the police station, where he spent the night. He is expected to face charges related to making threats to kill.
Subsequent investigations saw police officers revisit the scene, where they retrieved the knife allegedly used in the incident. The weapon has been secured as evidence in the case.
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