Fresh twist in comical FKF-KPL circus
The Kenyan Premier League has denied signing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Football Kenya Federation over the running of the top tier league next season.
While reacting to a statement from FKFÂ claiming the two parties had put pen to paper on a deal regarding the league, KPL CEO Jack Oguda said no such agreement had been reached.
“Nothing of the sort has been signed. We only met FKF today (Thursday) to iron out some issues. I read foul play on their announcement,” Oguda said during an interview with Nairobi News on Thursday evening.
Oguda’s remarks are in contradict to the statement from FKF which read:
“The signing (of the MoU) is a culmination of a long process of negotiations and consultations to ensure salient issues regarding the strengthening and development of the top tier league from the 2016/17 season and beyond.”
However, the statement that was circulated by FKF’s media officer Kariuki John was neither signed nor bore the federation’s official letter head.
The development is a clear hint that the long-drawn feud between the two bodies is likely to take a new twist even as the current league season nears conclusion and with FKF elections looming.