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How Ruto elevated man who interrupted his function

Known for their strict protocols during presidential functions, Dr William Ruto was captured instructing his security details to allow a man who interrupted his speech to sit in the VIP tent.

This incident occurred during President Ruto’s visit to the Western Region on Sunday, February 4, 2024, where he joined clergy and congregants for an interdenominational prayer service at the Approved School Grounds in Kakamega County.

While delivering his speech, the head of state was interrupted by a man holding a placard branded with the Kenyan flag, seeking his audience.

In the video, President Ruto is heard instructing his security officers to allow the man to sit in the VIP tent.

A scuffle ensued as the man struggled to gain Dr Ruto’s attention, with plain-clothed officers seen handling him roughly.

However, the President expressed his displeasure at the way they treated the man.

“Give him a moment, it’s okay, let him sit here. Bring him here, you bring him here,” urged President

Ruto instructed the security officers to allow the man to sit in the VIP area.

The young man continued to struggle to reach the tent, even removing his shoes at one point.

Another member of the public intervened and helped him to the position directed by the President.

“Bring him here, let him sit there, let him sit there, go sit there, make him comfortable there, I will talk to him later, very good. Thank you very much,” stated the President, promising to engage with the man after his speech.

Eventually, the man made his way to the VIP area.

President Ruto was accompanied by Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi, National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula, host Governor Fernandes Barasa (Kakamega), Bungoma Governor Ken Lusaka, and Wilber Ottichilo of Vihiga, among other Western Region MPs and MCAs.

In most presidential events, individuals who attempt to disrupt the head of state’s address are typically handled harshly by security officers.