Kidero puts ghost contractors on notice
Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero has issued a warning against ghost contractors and suppliers who continue to deliver invoices to City Hall for payment.
“I am putting on notice ghost business people, suppliers of air and those who continue to produce invoices, bring them to City Hall and get paid,” said Dr Kidero.
He spoke during a fund-raiser for the upgrade of the Maxwell SDA Church’s multi-level car park and a school.
The governor said he would ensure county staff who collude with ghost suppliers to fleece the county of cash are arrested.
“We are here to offer services to Nairobians and ensure the city is restored to its old glory. This cannot be achieved by paying air suppliers,” said Dr Kidero.
The county boss said the Land Department and the unit that deals with garbage collection lead in the number of ghost contractors.
He said since he took office, he had encountered three sets of unscrupulous groups — land dealers, garbage collectors who dump waste on roads and ghost business people.
The county has, however, streamlined the procurement of services by adopting the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS), which will help filter out fake suppliers.
“Anyone supplying goods and services to City Hall is now captured on IFMIS. We have also adopted an Internet banking facility to ensure due diligence is conducted before a supplier is paid,” he said.