Kidero too busy to attend ODM polls
Governor Evans Kidero defended his absence from the chaotic ODM convention, saying his diary was full.
While the delegates’ meeting was descending into disorder and confusion, Dr Kidero was trying to judge the efficiency of the city’s new traffic lights.
Some party members were quick to criticise him, saying it was yet another confirmation that he was not keen on party affairs.
“It is unfortunate that despite being the host governor and an ODM delegate for that matter, he chose to skip such a landmark event but again it is his choice,” said Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi.
Sheer coincidence
Dr Kidero said it was a “sheer coincidence” that his inspection of the traffic control system was scheduled for the same day as the conference.
“I wanted to gauge the efficiency of the traffic lights as well as the cameras we recently installed on the roads. It kept us busy the whole day,” he said.
And he added that the timing was “sheer coincidence and people should stop over-reading into that.” Dr Kidero, who has been accused of cosying up to the Jubilee Administration, ruled out the option of leaving ODM.
“I continue to be a loyal ODM member. It is true that party is witnessing serious challenges but you do not run away from your house just because things are not going right, you sort them from within,” he said.
The governor is on record having called for the postponement of elections on February 15, arguing that it was necessary to cool down tempers in the party.
He said that if his advice had been heeded, the anarchy would have been forestalled.
“I had no idea it was going to end like this but of course there were pointers of flaring emotions,” he said.
Kibra MP Ken Okoth who also skipped the function defended the governor saying he has a lot of priority issues to deal with.
“There was a crisis in the traffic flow on that day and I feel this was more urgent for him as the city’s boss. This way, it was of more value staying away from Kasarani,” he said
On the eve of the conference, Dagoretti North MP Simba Arati raised the alarm over possible violence, accusing former mayor George Aladwa of being behind the fears.
Party leadership
Denying any role in the chaos, Mr Aladwa defended Dr Kidero’s absence, saying he was away with the permission of the party leadership.
“The governor is the strongest party member in Nairobi in terms of deeds and contribution but he told us that there was a pressing issue he needed to attend to,” he said
Dr Kidero was listed as one of the conference speakers on the day.
And although he withdrew his candidature for the post of vice chairman, the governor threw his weight behind Budalang’i MP Ababu Namwamba for the position of Secretary General.
The camp allied to Mr Namwamba has been a big headache to another faction of ODM coalescing around nominated senator Agnes Zani that is believed to enjoy the support of party leader Raila Odinga to take over the ODM leadership.