Storm over Passaris’ post on Kilimani Mums
Kilimani Mums Nairobi Facebook group members of Friday lashed at the group administrator for deleting Esther Passaris’ post seeking support for a new mother whose child had been taken from her.
The group members had tagged Ms Passaris to a post explaining the troubles of the young mother whose mother in law and husband had denied her the right to be with her baby.
Hours after the post, Ms Passaris updated on the group that she had managed to get the baby back to her mother after talking to various officers for help.
She went ahead and called on the group members to help the young mother get back on her feet by sending her money for the baby’s upkeep while looking for a job.
It was that post that triggered a discussion after the administrator removed it and wrote an admin note to explain why she had removed it.
She reminded members of the group rules that do not allow any member to seek donations or support and advised Ms Passaris to post her request for support on her personal page.
The group members immediately reacted to the admin’s note terming her as inhuman for denying members the chance to be of help to the young mother.
Ms Passaris responded to the note stating:
“In future if you want me to help any of your members, likewise post the same on my Facebook page to avoid this confusion.”
Members were irked at the administrator’s sentiments saying that they were the ones who sought Passaris’ help and that it was unfair for her to be treated harshly.
The group recently staged a public protest dubbed My Dress My Choice against the stripping of women that prompted the government to launch a campaign against gender violence.