Convicted murderer Joseph Kuria Irungu alias Jowie has embarked on another legal battle with the state, this time challenging the...
A man, who had been serving a death sentence for robbery with violence, has been set free after the Appellate court ruled in his favour due...
On Friday, the High Court sentenced former police officer Sergeant Fredrick Ole Leliman to death for the murder of human rights lawyer...
The High Court has sentenced former police officer Sergeant Fredrick Ole Leliman to death for the murder of human rights lawyer Willie...
The Court of Appeal on Friday upheld the death sentence against Ruth Kamande, who was accused of fatally stabbing her boyfriend 25 times...
A man in Nigeria has been sentenced to death via the video conferencing app Zoom, sparking criticism from human rights groups. In a...
A man who robbed a boda boda rider of his motorbike, mobile phone and Sh250, has been sentenced to death by a court in Isiolo. Principal...
When the beautiful but deadly Ruth Kamande was sentenced to death on Thursday for stabbing and killing her lover back in 2015, Kenyans...
Amnesty International executive director Irungu Houghton has condemned the death sentence handed to Ms Ruth Kamande by High Court on...
Police were on Wednesday night preparing capital offence charges that attract a death sentence, against Ruaraka MP T J Kajwang’. The...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...