The sudden death of Kenyan artist and philanthropist Eric Okoth Onguru, better known as Kunguru, has left a void in the hearts of his...
In the world of music, collaborations between artists are a common occurrence, but some collaborations go on to become legendary. Mr...
The passing of Kenyan artiste and philanthropist Eric Okoth Onguru, better known as Kunguru, has left a void in the hearts of his family,...
Alego Usonga Member of Parliament Samuel Atandi has eulogised the late musician Eric Okoth Onguru a.k.a Kunguru, who passed away on March...
Mr Lenny, who did several songs with the late Eric Okoth Onguru, popularly known as Kunguru, has paid a moving tribute to the fallen...
The family of the late Eric Onguru, popularly known as Kunguru, has called on well-wishers to stand with them in raising funds to give the...
The Kenyan music industry is in mourning as it has lost one of its greats, Eric Onguru, popularly known as Kunguru. According to his...
Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho has become the latest subject of thinly-veiled poetic unfaltering messages printed on Swahili lesos. Since...
The Mombasa county government has allocated Sh30 million to eradicate Indian House Crows which have been described by scientists as...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...