Kenyan business and finance influencer Just Ivy, is shaking up the narrative surrounding the infamous 'Njaanuary.' With a candid...
“Phew's finally over!” Many Kenyans are breathing a sigh of relief as January comes to an close, ending a month considered too...
The last day of the dreaded first month of the year is finally here and Kenyans on Twitter can't hide their excitement. In Kenya, the...
The Christmas festivities are now done and dusted. But as is the tradition for some people, this year's Christmas, like many others in...
January might be a chance for a fresh start and New Year resolutions, but the month always seems to go on far too long for many. For...
The month of January is said to the longest month of the year, well according to Kenyan folklore. Kenyans have however deviced creative...
Kenyan actor Nick Mutuma has been forced to eat humble pie and apologise for raffling feathers on social media with a tweet admonishing...
As Kenyans enter the dreaded month of January - or Njaanuary in local parlance - the startling wastefulness that many resorted to during...
Kenyans on Twitter have found a hilarious way enduring the month of January, Kenya's 'longest' month. January, nicknamed...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...