A suspected fraudster who allegedly colluded with his accomplices to fraudulently transfer his wife’s car to an accomplice before using...
A Kiambu-based school teacher has been charged with stealing an electricity meter box valued at Sh5,000, the property of Kenya Power...
A 23 year-old-man who allegedly received part of Sh313,000 transferred from a businessman’s bank and M-Pesa accounts after he was drugged...
A carwash attendant who stole Sh1 million from his client in Nairobi’s Komarock area will serve a two-year jail term if he fails to pay a...
A boda boda rider has been charged in court after money stolen from two businessmen who were drugged at a bar in Donholm estate in Nairobi...
A man in Nairobi has been charged in court after he allegedly stole his friend’s mobile phone and transferred Sh15,000 to himself, after...
An official of a self-help group who allegedly stole Sh40,000 given to the group as a loan by the state small scale businesses financier -...
A man who was arrested while vandalizing a vehicle belonging to the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) at the Nairobi Area...
A 21-year-old tout who allegedly stole a mobile phone from a motorist along Jogoo Road in Nairobi and transferred Sh160,000 from her M-Pesa...
Four police officers were arrested on Friday for allegedly robbing a herder of Sh373,000 in Kamukunji area, Nairobi. The victim, identified...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...