An elderly couple and a visiting witch doctor fell victim to a brutal lynching by enraged residents of Duka Moja village in Kakamega...
The Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) has implored Kenyans to reconsider their thoughts about witchcraft. This after a...
Annah Mutheu, a renowned herbalist and witch doctor has filed a complaint with the police claiming people are conning unsuspecting Kenyans...
ODM leader Raila Odinga told a congregation on Sunday that he is not a witchdoctor and does not rely on dark forces for the advancement of...
Drama ensued at Bura Ndogo village in Taveta sub-county on Monday evening after a Tanzanian witch-doctor and his accomplice were arrested...
Manchester United striker Romelu Lukaku went against the advice of a witchdoctor when he moved to Old Trafford last July, Everton owner...
Police in Mombasa have arrested four people suspected to have stage-managed the Wednesday morning dramatic sorcery incident in...
Residents of Nakuru’s Tanners area were on Tuesday treated to a rare spectacle when a 55-year-old man was found stuck while having sex...
Politicians from Migori County are trooping to Tanzania to seek the services of witchdoctors in a bid to win the August elections. The...
A Kenyan woman has melted the internet after posting a video in which she hillariously demands for a refund from a witchdoctor who could...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...