Visiting Mombasa? Here are people you’ll meet at Mama Ngina Drive
It is one of the most popular hangout places in Mombasa due to its strategic location overlooking the Indian Ocean.
Mama Ngina Drive is a beehive of activities especially during the festive season. From the Madafu sellers to the roasted cassava it is a must visit place while in the coastal city.
Here is a look at the type of people you are likely to encounter at Mama Ngina.
1. Local boys chewing Miraa
You will definitely find them under a shade near a small kiosk that plays weird music. the location has to be strategic for a full 180 degree view so that their eyes can wonder on the girls passing by.
2. A pimped car playing very loud music
Imagine an Ongata Rongai pimped matatu blaring loud. Now double the volume. The occupants of the private vehicle are young boys who must be deaf to withstand such loud music just to show off.
3. The vendors who will ‘force’ you to buy something
You haven’t met an aggressive hawker until you arrive at Mama Ngina Drive. And do not think that going with your car and closing yourself in will stop them.
4. The cuddly couple
There is something about Mama Ngina Drive that makes it the ideal place for most lovers to go to for picnic.
5. Families sitting together enjoying a meal
The families usually come with their own chairs, food and snacks. Mostly you will find the old men sitting together enjoying Shisha, while the women and children having their own separate table.