Nairobi News


Zanzibari men banned from braiding their hair

The Government of Zanzibar has banned men from braiding their hair. According to the executive secretary of the Council of Arts, Film, and Culture in Zanzibar, Dr Omar Adam, men plaiting their hair is unacceptable.

The penalty for those who will break this law is a Sh1 million fine, six months’ imprisonment or both.

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“Police will arrest all men who plait hair; this is not acceptable by the arts council, and there is a special permit for plaiting hair, which is Sh1 million, and we have set that price in order to deter them. Now it is your choice to either pay Sh1 million to plait or buy a razor to shave,” said Dr Adam.

Dr Adam also said the police will arrest all men who plait hair in Zanzibar without a special permit and that any man who wants to have permission to plait will be required to pay Sh1 million.

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Dr Adam made the announcement on ZBC’s morning show, where he explained various issues concerning the Arts and Film sectors and how they supervise the traditions, customs and culture of Zanzibar.

He said the law has been in existence since 2015 but has never been implemented. However he did not state whether it would affect foreigners who visit the island.

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