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Revealed:Mungiki’s violent return

By BRIAN WASUNA January 29th, 2014 1 min read

Kenya’s most feared illegal gang, Mungiki, is back in full force in some parts of Nairobi, complete with a torture yard to punish those who do not submit to its criminal ways.

Matatu crews who do not toe the line are disciplined in this yard behind the clothes stalls in Ngara.  PHOTO|BRIAN WASUNA
Matatu crews who do not toe the line are disciplined in this yard behind the clothes stalls in Ngara. PHOTO|BRIAN WASUNA

In interviews with NairobiNews, matatu operators on the Gachie, Highridge and Banana routes gave harrowing tales of kidnap and torture of their crews by members of the outlawed sect for failing or refusing to pay protection fees.

But city police were quick to blame the matatu owners and crews for the return of the extortionist gang, wondering why they had not reported the cases.

“The sect is under control and we have not received any report. If there are any cases of such exploitation, then the drivers are to blame because they do not report them,” said Nairobi County Deputy Police Commander Moses Ombati.

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