Churchill lands multi-million shillings insurance for comedy shows
Kenya’s king of comedy Churchill (real name Daniel Ndambuki) has secured a Sh72 million comprehensive event insurance for Churchill Show and Churchill on the Road events from UAP Insurance.
The landmark sponsorship deal covers public liability arising out of bodily injury and or property damage, sunk costs for event cancellation as well as image protector to cater for immediate costs necessarily incurred to assist persons injured in Churchill’s events for the next one year.
Churchill becomes the first Kenyan celebrity to seek the extraordinary insurance. But in the West, this is the order of the day.
Below are the celebrities and their odd insurance policies:
Celeb body part amount
Rihanna legs Sh91 million ($1 million)
Heidi Klum legs Sh200 million ($2.2 million)
Tina Turner legs Sh291 million ($3.2 million)
David Beckham legs Sh 6.3 billion ($70 million)
Mariah Carey legs Sh91 billion ($1 billion)
Jennifer Lopez bum Sh 2.4 billion ($27 million)
Keith Richards middle finger Sh 145 million ($1.6 million)
David Lee Roth penis Sh91 million ($1 million bucks)