Male chauvinist offers city women free advise on how to be ‘perfect’ homemaker
A post by an unidentified man accusing women of being responsible for their husbands’ philandering ways due to their laziness has gone viral on social media.
The post shared on Facebook popular group Kilimani Mums Uncensored begins by lecturing women who store food in hotpots or microwaves so as to keep them warm for their husbands who come in home late.
He points out that this practice is wrong and that it is the root cause of most men having extra marital relationships with their Mpango wa Kando.
According to him a wife should treat her husband like a King and should wake up at whatever time of the night and cook food for him.
“Your husband is the king of the house and his food should be freshly cooked when he comes home even if its 3am. Simply prepare everything and start cooking when he comes! Is that too much work considering how lucky you are to have a husband?” read part of the post.
He continues: “Women are crying day and night for husbands and you are playing around with yours? These MWK’s who snatch your husband’s cook for them fresh food all the time and good food unlike your ugali/ndegu staff.”
He ends his rant by offering advice to women to take special care of their husbands who are God given gifts, or else they be ready to be replaced.

The post was received with mixed reactions including anger.
“Hapa ndio ujinga imemfikisha, how on earth can your man come home midnight na saa iyo ndio unaanza kupigana na masufuria ati cookin for him,” commented a member of the group.
“Hiyo nayo buda boss, itabidi ulete mwingine tusaidiane… Ati kii?” said another group member.
“Watu wanaweza kuwa funny sana… kwani we are robots? Wake up and cook afresh at 3am??! After ur meandering all over? Wacha nicheke tena… tihihihiii,” wrote another online user.
“Akitaka fresh food akuje mapema. Hiyo hotpot hata sina,” remarked another online user.
“Convert that mwk to a wife and see how you’ll ran back to your first wife,” advised another group member.
“Dear husband, First and foremost, slavery hata Wakanda walikataa. Two, you come at the ungodly hours, you better have a spare key luv. unafaa ukule na family yako its very important hata watoto wajuwe how you chew. If all the kids chew like mommy itakuwa boring!” said another online user.
“Let him first go marry then come tell us what his wife does. Ndio atajua hajui. Hata hiyo ya hotpot hutapata. You will find yourself staring at clean dishes wondering when the last time food was cooked, yet there is aroma in the air,” wrote one group member.