Nairobi News


Seven brands of peanut butter recalled from Kenyan market

By Amina Wako November 4th, 2019 1 min read

Kenya Bureau of Standards (Kebs) have suspended seven peanut butter from the market following high level of Aflatoxin.

The seven products are True Nuts (Truenutz Kenya) Fressy (Fressy Food Company Limited), Supa Meal (Supacosm Products Limited), Nuteez (Jetlak Foods Limited) Sue’s Naturals (Nature’s Way Health), Zesta (Trufoods Limited) and Nutty by nature (Target Distributors).


Kebs has instructed the manufacturing company of the seven ‘substandard’ peanut butter to discontinue from supplying the products.

They have also been directed to recall all their products from the market immediately.

The recall of these products follows test results by Kebs that confirms the products have high level of aflatoxin.


According to Kebs, the Kenyan standard for aflatoxin is 15 parts per billion (ppb) and gives a maximum value for Aflatoxin B1-5 ppb maximum.

The work permit that allows the named companies to use the Standardization Mark has also been suspended.

“We have asked the manufactures to put in place corrective actions in their processes to ensure that their products comply with the quality specifications in the standard,” read part of the statement from Kebs.

According to Kebs, once the correction is confirmed the suspension will be lifted.