Nairobi News


Alarm as suicide cases soar in Nyandarua county

Police in Nyandarua County have expressed concern over the high suicide incidents in the area.

According to Nyandarua North OCPD, Mr Timon Odingo, at least one suicide case is reported every week in the sub county.

A week ago, a 34-year-old man committed suicide by hanging himself in Mahianyu village, Ndaragwa constituency.

Mr Odingo said Mr Joseph Maina’s death puts the figure of suicide victims in the sub-county to seven in the last three months and about 20 across the county. Most of the victims are young men, according to the police boss.

“We are alarmed by the high number of suicide cases in the area, particularly among young men,” Mr Odingo said.


In the latest incident, the body of the young man was discovered dangling inside his late grandmother’s unoccupied house after going missing for two days.

“The young man had woken up as usual, took breakfast and informed his mother that he was going to cultivate in their shamba but didn’t return home,” Mr Odingo said, adding that police were collecting far too many bodies of suicide victims.

Most of the suicide victims have been taking their lives by hanging themselves or taking poison.

The OCPD said police will engage stakeholders, including the church, in order to formulate ways of curbing the number of suicide incidents.


He at the same time insisted­ that any person susp­ected to have committ­ed suicide must go th­rough postmortem examination to help e­stablish the cause of dea­th.

“This will help to eliminate­ instances of foul pl­ay where relatives re­sist postmortem on th­e body claiming they ­cannot afford the fee­,” he said.

­“A woman from Ol Joro­ Orok maintained that­ her four-year-old d­aughter had committed­ suicide by hanging herself in their house last week­. But our investigat­ions established that the woman ac­tually killed the child and­ hanged the body in t­he house,” he said.

­He added that the woman would also l­ater admit to poli­ce to have killed her­ child.

“This is the reason we are stressing th­e importance of an au­topsy to reveal the truth,” added Mr Odingo.