In the captivating realm of animation, Junior Nyong’o, brother to the renowned Lupita Nyong’o, steps into the limelight with his first...
Lupita's younger brother, Junior Nyong'o has been featured in a Showmax original 2D animated series dubbed Twende. Junior voices the...
After a long hiatus, legendary songwriter and performer Eric Wainaina is making a comeback in music with the launch of his record label...
Kenyan film Kati Kati from film director Mbithi Masya is set to stream on Netflix’s Kenyan film catalogue on Friday, February 3. The...
Thespian Elsaphan Njora, has made a mark with his spoken word poetry and TV roles. This year he was nominated in the best acting category...
With voting in this year’s Africa Magic Viewers' Choice Awards 2017 (AMVCAs) due to close on Friday, Kenyans have been urged to vote for...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...