A student who survived Garissa University College terrorist attack has been discharged from a military hospital after six months of...
Students in institutions of higher learning are being recruited into violent extremism at an alarming rate, the director of the National...
Germany will award scholarships to 300 students of Garissa University College who survived the deadly attack by Al-Shabaab...
Moi University will open a campus in Gatundu South in two months time, increasing the number of its constituent colleges to...
A special unit of the Kenya Defence Forces was overpowered by two machine gun-wielding Al-Shabaab terrorists during the attack on Garissa...
Interior Secretary Joseph Nkaiserry has suspended two top government officials as the government launched an investigation into failures...
Administrators at University of Nairobi have postponed scheduled examinations at the Kikuyu Campus where one student died and 167 others...
Students who survived the attack at Garissa University College have revealed how they played dead for hours to stay alive. Millicent...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...