Police have interrogated the wife of slain businessman Jacob Juma as well as his three girlfriends. Police revealed that the slain...
Two women have come out claiming they turned down offers from slain Nairobi businessman Jacob Juma for a meet up. The two, whose names...
The middle-aged man who hanged on a helicopter in Bungoma has denied a charge of endangering his life. The man, 41-year-old Saleh...
Police claim they have pieced together the final moments of slain Nairobi businessman Jacob Juma, which showed him dropping off an...
Three women claiming to be the wives of slain businessman Jacob Juma showed up at the deceased's burial ceremony on Saturday in Bungoma...
The man who caused a stir by hanging on to a chopper in Bungoma may have just won himself a free flying package even as the authorities say...
Cord leader Raila Odinga has asked President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto to speak out on the murder of businessman Jacob...
The Nairobi News has been able to reconstruct the chain of events that saw a man who hanged on a chopper in Bungoma land safely on the...
A foolish man hanged on the chopper that had delivered the body of slain Jacob Juma as it flew away from Bungoma's Posta grounds on...
The widow of slain businessman Jacob Juma has expressed her support to calls for foreign help in the investigation of her husband's...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...