Comedian Eunice Wanjiru Njoki, known as Mammito has finally broken her silence after her controversial comedy skit addressing Joseph...
Joseph Irungu, popularly known as 'Jowie', has been slapped with a life sentence following his recent conviction for the murder of Kenyan...
Comedian Eric Omondi has reacted to the acquittal of Jacque Maribe in the murder case of businesswoman Monica Nyawira Kimani. The High...
Following his conviction for the murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani, Joseph 'Jowie' Irungu now finds himself in prison, a location he...
Joseph Irungu, popularly known as Jowie, has released a gospel song titled Nakuabudu moments after he was convicted of murdering...
In the ongoing development in the murder trial of Monica Kimani, Justice Grace Nzioka has highlighted compelling evidence regarding the...
When celebrities air their dirty linen in public, their stories - although just ordinary - are often very juicy. The public is always...
The High Court in Nairobi has postponed the hearing of businesswoman Monica Kimani’s murder case after one of the accused persons,...
The trial of Joseph Irungu alias Jowie and journalist Jacque Maribe for the murder of businesswoman Monica Kimani will continue next month...
Joseph Irungu alias Jowie and his lover Eleanor Musangi alias Ella have now parted ways almost one year after they made their “divine”...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...