Wanjiru Karumba, the wife of renowned gospel DJ Fredrick Karumba, popularly known as DJ Krowbar, has bravely shared her journey with kidney...
A quack who allegedly defrauded a kidney patient of Sh1,781,000 falsely pretending he was in a position to facilitate his travel to India...
The power of unity and compassion has shone brightly after Kenyans came together to support DJ Krowbar and his ailing wife, Wanjiru...
Seasoned Kenyan actor, Gibson Gathu Mbugua, who is famous for his role as 'Kiongozi wa Mashtaka' (the prosecutor) in the local comedy Vioja...
Kenneth Kamau Kinyua, a-25 year-old man from Embu who was stopped by the government from travelling to India for a kidney transplant is...
A farmer, who was last year honoured by President Uhuru Kenyatta for providing water to wild animals in Tsavo National Park, is desperately...
A man who won praise for delivering thousands of litres of water to animals at Tsavo National Park after their water holes dried up due to...
Nairobians will start getting kidney transplant surgery at Mbagathi Hospital from next week. The first four kidney transplants will be...
A man has defied all odds to survive through a terminal illness even after the doctors told him he only had three months to...
A boy who was enabled by President Uhuru Kenyatta to travel to India for a kidney transplant is now stranded overseas after his family...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...