Detectives in Nairobi have arrested a gang that has been terrorising city residents since 2023. The three notorious suspects were...
Police in Nairobi are detaining a flashy businessman in connection with a suspected Sh151 million mineral deal gone sour. Kevin Sonko,...
A man died on Tuesday, December 19, evening fell from the 14th floor of a building under construction in Nairobi’s Kilimani area. The...
The controversial past of Mr Isaiah Aluodo Belek, a suspected mastermind of a Sh608 billion scam who was on November 21, 2023, charged in...
Police are holding two suspects over the production and sale of counterfeit alcohol in Nairobi. In a statement on Sunday, the...
Police are looking for the owner who left his gun at a toilet in one of the city restaurants in Kilimani, Nairobi. Police believe that a...
The processional way leading to State House has been temporarily closed for repairs, prompting authorities to redirect motorists to use...
Embakasi East Member of Parliament (MP) now says that he was acquitted in a case where he was charged in relation to the shooting of Mr...
Two firearms that were on June 27, 2023, recovered from a suspected robbery with violence suspects in Nairobi Kabete have been linked to a...
Nairobi restaurant Oyster Bay continues to suffer woes of closure after the National Environment Management Authority (Nema) closed the...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...