It emerges that there exists a dangerous criminal network involving influential wealthy men who prey on young women, but not ready to...
They are commonly known as sugar daddies and sugar mummies. They are older men and women who opt to date - and sometimes marry - younger...
A TikToker by the name Soraya West has shared what she believes is a bulletproof method for shy women to get money from the rich men they...
In search for soft lives without having to get jobs to earn money, some women have resorted to finding rich men who to spoil them with...
TikTok sensation Chebet Rono, a comedic monologue content creator, narrated her experience with dating a mubaba- an older, moneyed man,...
Kovu actress and popular TikToker Trisha Khalid described herself as a woman who was a go-getter, who loved making her own money and having...
Malkia Karen, the daughter of Lady Jay Dee's ex-husband, Gardner G Habash, has revealed that ‘sponsors’ have been bugging her ever...
In the past month, I have made it my business to talk about the murders of young women, albeit amid considerable opprobrium from those who...
The murder of 26-year-old Rongo University student, Sharon Otieno, has rekindled past incidents of campus girls who ended up dead as a...
Bonfire Adventures co-founder Sarah Kabu has told single women to stay away from the so called 'sponsors' as they will make them grow...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...