Former Big Brother Africa contestant and actor Melvin Alusa, at 42, finds himself the proud father of eight children. Despite the...
Accomplished actor Melvin Alusa has delved into the complexities of raising a large family of eight children, shedding light on the joys,...
Actor and content creator Daddie Marto's wife, Christine Kokueendera, popularly known as Koku Lwanga, has revealed that the couple are...
Famed artist David Mathenge, widely known by his stage name Nameless, has refuted reports indicating he's undergone a vasectomy...
The number of men who have undergone sterilization vasectomy gave more than doubled from 248 in 2021 to 557 in 2022 according to the 2023...
Singer Kevin Bahati is considering undergoing vasectomy for fear of siring more children with his wife Diana Marua. The couple welcomed...
Coast based musician Nyota Ndogo has ruled out any possibility of having a child with her husband Henning Nielsen in a revelation that...
Nairobi men are being called upon to share in the burden of family planning by undergoing reversible vasectomy as a family planning...
A man in Mombasa who underwent a vasectomy now wants a hospital to explain how his wife still ended up getting pregnant with his...
Dozens of Nairobi men made the lifetime decision to share in the burden of family planning by undergoing the irreversible vasectomy during...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...