Nairobi News


The People’s Champion February 28, 2014

February 28th, 2014 2 min read


Rehema Mumbi has a bone to pick with Nema and the county authorities for allowing construction of a dyke at the bank of Nairobi River.

The dyke, according to a story on the Monday issue of this paper, was built to block water by a private investor, who wanted to build apartments in 2012.

After the construction, the water became stagnant and provided a breeding ground for mosquitoes. For the irresponsible actions of the two authorities, residents of Kibera and Highrise cannot sleep at night because the parasites buzz in their bedrooms through the night and malaria infection rates have gone to an all-time high, especially now after the recent rains. Mumbi now asks: Could County Hall and Nema act urgently to save the residents and save the environment?


Which way Nairobi?

Our County leaders are a big shame, Geoffrey Mugendi says. Looking at the new wars between Senator Mike Sonko and Women Rep Rachael Shebesh, he wonders what kind of leaders Nairobians elected and where they will lead the county.

First, there were odd photos of the two leaders being ‘very close’ which set off the rumour mill. These were briefly interrupted by the Governor Kidero-Shebesh wars and the forgiveness, which many thought would leave the leaders with a bit of time to build the county.

But nothing seems to be working at all because it is now back to square one with Shebesh and Sonko declaring war on each other as a new character enters the stage in the name of Esther Passaris. So when will the leaders work and what are they really about? he asks.


Crime city? 

Crime in the city is reaching an unacceptable level and residents have cause to worry, as Mary Otunnu says.

She is concerned after police were involved in a shootout with thugs yet again, just about two weeks after another incident in which two suspects were gunned down right next to where Tuesday’s shooting occurred.

How will members of the public feel secure going about their work while fearing for their lives and the many dangers associated with guns and the daring robberies planned and executed in daylight.

She is, however, a little happy that the police in the last two incidents have caught the thugs before they executed their plans. Otunnu says: Keep it up, officers



Clarence Mutune is happy that at least someone is listening to the People’s Champion and acting.

There was a complaint about an unguarded railway bridge on Mombasa Road just after GM that was described as a disaster waiting to happen.

The other day when Mutune passed there,  he says he was relieved to find it that guard rails had been fixed and the place was now safe and well-sheltered. We need authorities who listen to the people’s concerns and act on them in good time.

He asks: Could someone now repair estate roads which are dilapidated and a pain to residents, especially those who own cars and have to drive through  the bad roads every morning and evening.  “We need to see the high taxes we pay working for us,” he says.