Nairobi News


Thugs rob Uhuru kin of property

Armed attackers robbed a cousin of President Uhuru Kenyatta in Spring Valley on Thursday morning and made away with property of unknown value.

The gang of three men and a woman dug a hole under the perimeter fence before breaking into the house of Ngengi Muigai, the brother to Senator Beth Mugo, at around 1 am.

They tied the watchman before proceeding to the house.

Gigiri Police commander Vitalis Otieno said the attackers stole money, laptops, and mobile phones. The robbery happened barely 20 hours after a gang believed to be the same, made up of a woman and three men, shot and injured a security guard at a jewelry shop within the city centre.

The attackers went to Chandaria 2000 jewelry shop on Wabera Street posing as customers before they ordered everybody to lie down at gunpoint.

Central Police OCPD Patrick Oduma said: “We have the picture of the woman, which was obtained from scene of the earlier robbery. The shop attendants here have identified her positively. She has been involved in various robberies within the city centre.”