The Kenya Kwanza Government has abandoned several contentious tax proposals from the Finance Bill 2024. This is in response to...
Comedians from the popular comedy show, Churchill Show, have announced a mega show in honor of their late colleague, Fred Odhiambo...
Brad Pitt's as-yet unnamed Formula One movie will be released globally on June 25 next year, with a North American debut two days later, F1...
The United Nations refugee agency named British actor Theo James as a global goodwill ambassador on Monday, June 17. James, who acted in...
Bongo flava star Diamond Platnumz has responded to his rival Ali Kiba's latest move to poach his Wasafi Media staff. In March, Ali Kiba...
Fans of the hit Netflix show "Bridgerton" can expect news of its fourth season "sooner rather than later", the series' writer and...
Kate, Britain's Princess of Wales, waved to crowds and smiled broadly from the balcony of Buckingham Palace after watching a military...
Bien-Aime Baraza says general distribution method in use for royalties-distribution out-dated Going forward, artiste Bien Aime Baraza...
Fresh from partnering with Spotify in its COLORSxSTUDIOS project, multi-hyphenate artiste, Miss Karun has released her latest project A’...
Music is universal. It speaks a language that many can deeply resonate with despite it being in various dialects. Whether the lyrics are in...
After a family tragedy, three generations of the Deetz...
Soulmates Eric and Shelly are brutally murdered when the...
When tech billionaire Slater King meets cocktail waitress...