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EXCLUSIVE: Size 8 opens up about recent hospitalisation

Gospel minister and musician Linet Munyali, popularly known as Size 8, has addressed concerns about her health following a recent hospitalisation that worried her fans.

In an exclusive interview with Nairobi News, the mother of two revealed that her health has significantly improved since her admission.

“My health has improved,” Size 8 shared.

“We discovered that I had vertigo. I had gone for blood pressure and hemiplegic migraine checkups. When we saw the doctor, he said I had this other condition, and that is why I was admitted.”

Size 8 described the troubling symptoms she experienced, which led to her hospital visit.

“I had blurred vision and somehow I could not walk properly. I was so stressed. My church people and family stood by me. I have been battling with these two other conditions, but now being hit by the third condition.”

Despite her health challenges, Size 8 remains steadfast in her faith.

“The devil is trying to intimidate me because I chose to follow Christ. Anyone who has been affected by even the recent natural calamities should not give up on God.”

What is Vertigo?

Vertigo is a medical condition characterised by a sensation of spinning or dizziness.

It often results from problems in the inner ear, the brain, or sensory nerve pathways.

The common symptoms include:

  • Dizziness or a sensation of spinning
  • Nausea
  • Blurred vision
  • Difficulty walking or maintaining balance.

Size 8 has also shared her long and challenging journey with blood pressure, a condition she has battled since her first pregnancy in 2015.

The mother of two revealed that this condition has led to significant health challenges, including the loss of two pregnancies.

Size 8 recounted the challenges she has faced over the years.

In 2018, she endured a complicated pregnancy with her second child, which unfortunately ended in the loss of her unborn baby.

Despite these hardships, she welcomed her son, Muraya Jnr, in 2019 through a Caesarean section after developing complications.

Her struggles continued in 2021 when she suffered another miscarriage.

“I have never shared my story about having blood pressure. It’s been crazy for us. It was 31st January 2015. It was not an easy day for me, and I collapsed in town. After going to the hospital, I was told I had the condition.”

She added that her condition has necessitated frequent hospital visits, especially during her pregnancies.

“Everything you see us achieving since 2015 is by the mercies of God. I would have given up completely. One day, I told my husband that I was almost giving up. He told me I must keep fighting.”

Size 8 also spoke about the emotional and physical toll her condition has taken on her life.

“I used to lock myself in the room since I was sick and my heart was giving up. I used to have a headache and I couldn’t even play with my kids.”