New hair! Natalie Tewa shocks followers with edgy big chop
Kenyan YouTuber and content creator Natalie Tewa has done the big chop on her hair after years of having long natural hair, and even fewer of having it relaxed.
Hair relaxing is a permanent straightening treatment that relies on a chemical process to break down hair strands. Relaxation treatments combine high heat with strong chemicals to break natural hair bonds.
The chemicals in straightening products leave hair more vulnerable to breakage, damage, and even hair loss. Along with weakening hair, relaxers also dry hair out. It’s critical to use deep conditioning products to restore moisture and limit damage after treatment.
Sharing the big chop news with her fans and followers via her social media pages, Natalie revealed that her journey with relaxed hair has not exactly been like she expected it to be, and it’s with this that she has now opted to go back to natural hair, which entails her cutting her hair to a shorter length for new growth.
“I have had relaxed hair for a few years now, and to be honest it’s damaged and I think now it’s time for me to go back to healthy natural hair,” said Natalie.
The lifestyle influencer went on to add a caption saying, “Cheers to a new journey back to natural. I’m so excited for this one tbh but it feels so new. I’ll be using The Loreal absolute molecular repair range as it helps restore and rebuild very damaged hair at a molecular level and is the best solution for damaged hair. Cheers to a new journey back to natural.”
Natalie, aside from her captivating looks and figure, has always garnered admiration for having such healthy and beautiful long hair. Most of her content on YouTube and across all social platforms has always revolved around hair and plant care routines and tips.
On December 8, 2020, the content creator shared the big news of relaxing her hair after years of natural hair. In a post, where she shared two separate photos of herself in both natural and relaxed hair, the YouTuber announced, “I’ve relaxed my gorgeous natural tresses! I went natural five and a half years ago because my hair was extremely unhealthy and I couldn’t manage it while I was abroad! I also really wanted to see how my virgin hair looked like and how long it could grow.”
She continued, “After five and a half years of healthy hair care… (natural hair is not the simplest to maintain especially when it grows longer and thicker) I felt like it was time to relax it to manage it a little better and also prove that having good hair is all about consistent and healthy practices whether it’s relaxed or natural. I’m excited about the new journey! I still haven’t done my first wash day post relaxer but I literally can’t wait!”