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Ruto: God chose me for the presidency

President William Ruto says he is God chosen.

According to the fifth President of the Republic of Kenya, there is no leader who is elected by mistake.

“There is no leader who is elected by mistake, God sees us through,” said the President on June 18, 2023 while speaking at a church service in Kakamega County.

Dr Ruto was accompanied by the Prime Cabinet Secretary, Mr Musalia Mudavadi among other top leadership and politicians from Western region of Kenya, to attend Sunday service at the Christ Church Cathedral, Kakamega County.

The Head of State lauded Mr Mudavadi for joining him in the run up polls.

Mr Mudavadi ditched Azimio leader Raila Odinga at the last minute to team up with Mr Ruto.

They were joined by other principals namely Moses Wetangula and Justin Muturi.

“The devil that had gotten into Omwami (nickname referring to Musalia Mudavadi), we condemn it,” President Ruto told the Christ Church Cathedral, Kakamega congregants.

Ruto who vied for presidency on a Kenya Kwanza ticket, emerged victorious during the 2022 general elections in a tight race against his close competitor, Mr Raila Odinga (Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya Alliance).

According to the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) official presidential results, Dr Ruto garnered 5, 090,491 votes equivalent to 51.26 per cent, hence meeting the constitutional threshold, while Mr Odinga came in second with 4,773,169 (48.06 per cent).

Other candidates, Prof George Wajackoyah who participated in the race on the Roots Party ticket, got 44.271 votes (0.45 per cent), while Mr David Waihiga Mwaure of Agano Party got 22,797 votes (0.23 per cent).

The now opposition leader, Mr Odinga, contested the results at the Supreme Court, though the highest court of the land dismissed his petition.

The seven judges bench led by the Chief Justice, Martha Koome dismissed all the nine grounds the opposition had raised.

But Mr Odinga has maintained he was rigged in the poll and that the Judges announced a biased ruling.

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