Detectives in Nairobi have arrested a gang that has been terrorising city residents since 2023. The three notorious suspects were...
Land Cabinet Secretary Alice Wahome has emphasized the need for caution in land acquisition transactions. Speaking to journalists on the...
A recent directive from President Ruto to the Ministry of Land, ordering the revocation of titles for undeveloped land in Athi River...
Police in Athi River, Machakos County, have launched investigations into the death of a first-year Daystar University student who died in a...
A man was on Friday evening crashed to death by a train in Athi River, Machakos County. The unidentified man lost both his legs and he was...
Police in Athi River on Wednesday morning arrested a man who is reported to have let his 9-year-old son to drive his car to...
The Nigerian High Commission in Nairobi will not be conducting independent investigations into the death of gospel musician Ruth...
More than 200 homeowners in Athi River’s Sunset Boulevard Estate risk losing their investments as auctioneers hired by I&M Bank look...
A police officer who was shot dead at EPZ area in Athi River by two armed robbers has died. Police Constable Eric Mwigi, 34, was...
Two experts have confirmed that houses belonging to Superior Homes in Athi River, Machakos County, were built away from riparian...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...