The mother of renowned cancer warrior Emmanuel Otieno, popularly known as Jadudi, has narrated her final moments with her son. Jadudi...
Cancer warrior Emmanuel Otieno, better known as Jadudi, has passed on. Jadudi died at the Jaramogi Oginga Odinga Teaching and Referral...
University of Nairobi student Emmanuel Otieno, better known as Jadudi, is being detained in an Indian hospital over Sh1 million unsettled...
University student, Emmanuel Otieno, popularly known as Jadudi, has been diagnosed with another brain tumor, just months after a successful...
The Africa Cancer Foundation (ACF) has come out in an effort to account for the millions of shillings raised by Kenyans to enable...
The Kenyan public is scandalized after it emerged that University of Nairobi student Emmanuel Otieno aka Jadudi, for whom they raised Sh 7...
“Imagine you are 3 years old and you have been given one month to live. You were born with defective kidneys, one's been removed, the...
University of Nairobi student and brain cancer warrior Emmanuel Otieno popularly known as Jadudi arrived back in the country on Thursday...
After undergoing a 4-hour brain surgery on Saturday morning, University of Nairobi student Emmanuel Otieno, better known as Jadudi, is...
University of Nairobi student Emmanuel Otieno, popularly known as Jadudi, has been admitted at Apollo Hospital in Chennai, India, and is...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...