After a notable hiatus from the music scene, the renowned Gengetone group, Ethic Entertainment, has returned with a bang. Their latest...
There is some exciting news for Gengetone music enthusiasts following an announcement by Ethic Entertainment of their long-awaited...
The Gengetone music scene in Kenya has witnessed the rise and fall of several groups, with Ethic Entertainment and Sailors being among the...
Ethic Entertainment frontman Rekless has revealed that he has been struggling to cope with the fame that has come since bursting into the...
Gengetone group Ethic Entertainment has been forced to apologize to their fans following the backlash over their latest song Soko whose...
Kenya Film Classification Board (KFCB) chief executive Ezekiel Mutua has reported the song Soko by Ethic Entertainment to Youtube and it...
Here are the Gengetone kids who emerged last year and will hopefully take Kenyan music industry by storm in 2020: Ethic...
Controversial music group Ethic are in trouble again with moral policeman Ezekiel Mutua and it all has to do with their new song titled...
Jamaican dancehall star Konshens appears not to be done with Kenyan artistes after expressing interest to work on a remix with music group...
Jamaican artist Garfield Spence popularly known as Konshens on Thursday announced that he will make his anticipated return to Kenya show in...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...