Bien-Aimé Baraza, one-fourth of the renowned music group Sauti Sol, has disclosed that the band underwent therapy sessions for an extended...
Beyond the silver screen and the music stage lies a realm where stars unleash their creative prowess in an entirely different spotlight -...
Sauti Sol's Bien has shed light on the individual contributions that each member brings to the music group. He has further attributed...
Sauti Sol band member Polycarp ‘Fancy Fingers’ Otieno who has authored several children’s books will be among the main attraction...
After she was allegedly chased away from Sol Generation record label, singer Crystal Asige has sued her former bosses, Sauti Sol, for...
Sauti Sol band member Polycarp ‘Fancy Fingers’ Otieno has released a children’s book titled ‘Written in the Stars.’ The book...
Sauti Sol guitarist and producer Polycarp Otieno aka Fancy Fingers and his wife Lady Mandy have launched their cooking show titled Meals in...
Every member of Sauti Sol has either settled down or is seemingly headed in that direction, save for one - Willis Chimano. Guitarist...
Sauti Sol’s guitarist Polycarp Otieno has given his fans a glimpse of how his wedding a week ago went down after sharing pictures on his...
Sauti Sol’s guitarist Polycarp Otieno, famous for his fancy fingers, is now a married man, after saying 'I do' to his long-time Burundian...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...