Churchill show comedian, Professor Hamo has opened up about how poverty served as a powerful motivator, inspiring him to channel his...
Kenyan comedians Professor Hamo, Teacher Wanjiku, YY Comedian and Jemutai are among a handful of top comedians who will perform in the...
Are you one of the people who call themselves online in-laws? Well! love is a beautiful thing. But where there is love, especially when it...
Comedian professor Hamo has left his fans in stitches after he shared a video of himself with a swollen face and suggested he'd been beaten...
Churchill show comedian Mannerson Oduor Ochieng, commonly known as Akuku Danger has been diagnosed with sickle-cell anaemia, his employer...
Having already made his name on the entertainment scene as a comedian and radio presenter, Herman Kago alias Prof Hamo, now says he is keen...
Comedian Stella Bunei Koitie, popularly known by her stage name ‘Jemutai’, is providing testimony to suggest that ranting on social...
Comedian Herman Kago appears to be doing all he can to make up with baby mama Stella Bunei after a recent public spat. This is after...
Media personality Herman Kago, best known by the stage name Prof Hamo, hints that he'll soon be taking in fellow comedian Stella Bunei...
Media personality Herman Kago, popularly known by his stage name Prof Hamo, says he's finally owned up to 'his mistakes' and accepted the...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...