A new youth drama series, Jiji, promises to captivate audiences with its gritty portrayal of life in Jericho, a low-income settlement in...
Popular Musician Avril Nyambura and journalist Mark Masaai are set to feature in new drama series, 'Faithless', a 10-part crime series that...
Media personality Betty Kyallo, known for her vibrant presence on screen, has showered praise on the man she is currently...
Media personality Betty Kyallo has assured her fans that the second season of reality show Kyallo Kulture will surpass...
African streaming giant Shomax, on February 6, 2023, announced a call for 10 live-action films from an exclusive number of countries. They...
Former ‘Makutano Junction’ actor Ainea Ojiambo has disclosed the reason why he is still single ever since he divorced his ex-wife,...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...