Musician-turned-politician Charles Njagua Kanyi, famously known as Jaguar, took part in a poignant moment when he personally delivered a...
Gengetone sensation X-Ray has penned a touching tribute to his late friend and producer, Byron Muhando Kivisi, who recently tragically...
It would appear the spirit of plagiarism continues to follow President William Ruto, only this time, he and his communications team are not...
President William Ruto has led the country in mourning the death of Gengetone producer Byron Muhando Kivisi. The late Kivisi was behind...
Deputy President William Ruto has defiantly continued the use of words recently flagged by the National Cohesion and Integration Commission...
A lobby group has moved to court seeking orders to quash the outlawing or banning of the terms hatupangwingwi and watajua hawajui by...
The National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) has listed words that could warrant stern actions if uttered in this electioneering...
Kenyan rapper Trio Mio, born TJ Mario Kasela, who recently hit the headlines by redefining the gengetone scene now says he discovered...
Trio-Mio, Kenya’s teenage rapper, says ladies have been throwing themselves on her since he was 16. “These things did not start now...
The musicians behind the hit song Sipangwingwi appear to have been sucked into different political factions if their recent meetings are...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...