Renowned music producer and businessman Tedd Josiah recently shared the struggles of raising his daughter, Wendo, as a single...
Singer Wahu and businessman Tedd Josiah have shed light on the positive impact of social media in shaping...
Legendary music producer and single father, Tedd Josiah has become a symbol of resilience in the face of adversity. Having raised his...
Entrepreneur and music producer Tedd Josiah recently took to Instagram to share a heartfelt tribute to his late wife, Reginah Katar. In...
Music producer now turned entrepreneur Tedd Josiah believes, “In 20 years’ time, Sauti Sol will have been forgotten.” Probably...
Kenyan music producer Tedd Josiah has hit out at people he says struggle to settle in relationships. The celebrated producer termed such...
One of the oldest annual talent awards program in the country, Kisima Music and Film Awards has made a come-back after a seven- year...
Just days after legendary Kenyan music producer Tedd Josiah revealed why his first marriage collapsed, his estranged wife Cynthia Akoth has...
Legendary Kenyan music producer Tedd Josiah has revealed the fine details of his failed first marriage, saying that he never loved his...
Veteran Kenyan music producer Tedd Josiah has lashed out at gengetone fraternity for producing music with what he calls extreme...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...