Nairobi News


Youthful KenGen staffer excited after being shortlisted for PS position

Ronoh Kibet is among the 585 candidates who have been shortlisted by the Public Service Commission for Principal Secretary positions in the government of President Ruto.

The 38-year-old energy engineer from Kericho county could not hide his happiness after being shortlisted from the initial 9,000 applicants.

Mr Ronoh, who is currently working as a Senior Technical Advisor in the leading energy sector Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen) has expressed his optimism that he will go through the next process.

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He is a Telecommunication Engineer and Project Management Specialist.

“Learning that I made the cut to the shortlist was a very humbling and defining moment. Knowing that the Kenya Kwanza Government has identified my expertise and passion in the energy sector is fulfilling, an achievement I am profoundly grateful to God for,” he said.

With his skills in the energy sector, the candidate has said that given an opportunity, he would be of help to Kenya Kwanza’s government in connecting more houses in the country with electricity.

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His passion is in creating solutions to drive renewable energy.

“Granted an opportunity, I will employ my youthful energy and ingenuity to lower the cost of living for my fellow countrymen and women.”

His hopes of being among the next 47 PSs have been boosted by the naming of KenGen CEO Rebecca Miano as Cabinet Secretary nominee for the East African Community, Arid and Semi-Arid Lands and Regional Development.

Mr Ronoh said that he is an experienced young man with outstanding expertise in the energy sector.

The president’s advisers, and political allies as well as a host of PSs who served in President Uhuru Kenyatta’s administration have also applied for the PS jobs.

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