Once behind bars, prisoners' lives transform drastically, with every moment regulated by strict schedules set by prison authorities. From...
The late Commandant of Prison Staff Training college Wanini Kireri, who passed on last week after a short illness, has been buried at her...
The commandant of the Prison Staff Training College, Ruiru, Wanini Kireri has died while undergoing treatment at the AAR Hospital along...
The Kenya Prisons Service (KPS) has started administering Covid-19 vaccine to its 28,000 prison officers. Commissioner General of...
Prison department wardens have been asked to ensure that they dress properly especially while in uniform. In a communication made on...
A decision not to invite relatives and visitors for today's recruits pass-out parade at the Kenya Prisons Staff Training College in Ruiru...
Kenya Prisons Service Commissioner General Wycliffe Ogallo has raised concerns over the rate at which inmates in various prisons are...
The Kenya Prisons Service has put in place adequate measures to prevent an outbreak of Covid-19 in the 129 prisons countrywide,...
A Kenya Prisons Service officer is facing assault charges after allegedly battering his wife inside his house at the Nairobi Area Remand...
Three Kenya Prisons officers were on Thursday arrested after they were caught ferrying eight foreigners in a government vehicle from...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...