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Xtian Ndela’s mother now attacks daughter in law in family feud

The drama between social media influencer Xtian Dela, born Arthur Mandela Nyongesa, and his mother Bishop Naomi Nyongesa seems to be far from over.

The mother recently claimed her son had cut links with the family for the past four years.

She’s now accused her daughter-in-law Fatma Banj of hiding him.

“Ever since they met, it appears she has never advised him to go and get introduced to his mother and bring the kid. They can even send me a photo of my grandchild,” she said, accusing them of hiding the minor.

Bishop Nyongesa stressed that neither the daughter-in-law nor the grandchild can be traced and she has always tried to reach out to them in vain.

The Bishop who has also released a song alongside her son said that it was to that effect that she made a decision to reach out to the son through social media.

However, her son, over the weekend in a response penned a blog on the topic of toxic parents.

The suggestion appears to have been dismissed by Xtian Dela who then shared a few tips on toxic parents.

“As children, we rely on our parents for love, support and guidance. However, some parents can be emotionally damaging, leading to long-term psychological effects on their children. These parents are often referred to as ‘toxic’ parents,” he explained in the blog.

Xtian Dela then outlined what he said were seven points children should observe on their parents

Xtian Dela’s mum is also an actress who has featured in the hilarious Hullabaloo Estate show as the wife of Ondiek’.

“His name is Arthur Mandela Nyongesa. Arthur was born in 1990. From 2019, he started disappearing. Whenever I told him to come home, he would not come as much, saying he is very busy,” she said.

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