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Step mummy duties: Amber Ray bonds with Kennedy Rapudo’s pre-teen daughter

By Winnie Mabel December 21st, 2022 2 min read

Instagram influencer Amber Ray, born Faith Makau, and her fiancé, Kennedy Rapudo’s pre-teen daughter, had a manicure date on December 20, 2022, and Kenyans in her comment section absolutely loved it.

This comes as an unexpected reaction considering how mature the manicure work Kennedy Rapudo’s daughter had done- normally a preserve of mostly 25-year-olds and above.

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The duo had long tips (thin fake nail-shaped plastic permanently glued onto real fingernails, then the plastic is buffered to become as flat as possible to imitate real nails) installed and Christmas vibe-themed gel nail polish artwork done on them.

At the nail salon, Amber Ray made sure to record Rapudo’s daughter from every angle possible and at the end, made sure to appear in the same video as the pre-teen as she aggressively helped the child show off her manicure, claiming they absolutely loved their new nails.

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While harsh criticism would have been expected of Amber Ray- a mother to a teenager herself- taking a pre-teen child to have her nails done in such fashion, the opposite occurred as many, including Rapudo himself, praised her for loving her future step-daughter.

“Amber, can you adopt a 23-year-old baby girl?” asked Rish De Vocalist.

“If the daughter loves you, that is a ticket to being in his heart forever. Daughters and dads are one thing,” said Untamed Tamarah.

“And just like that, Gavin (Amber’s son) has gotten a sister. Online in-laws we are happy,” added Joy Odenyo.

“A girl with pure intentions. You deserve every bit of the happiness you get to experience,” said Miss Help Kenya.

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“Amber Ray just has this luck where anywjere she go to, she is loved by the father of the children. She should now begin classes to help people out here get men too,” said Bobo Macharia.

“Amber you are such a sweet soul for treating your step daughter,” said Targazila.

“If you are bonding with the daughter that well, there is no U-turn for you here. Congratulations jabber,” added Joy Odhiambo.

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“I love how they are spending time all together as a family…but baby mamas we know them. You will soon start hearing ‘oh you are using my daughter for advertisement’ Let us all pray for Amber to not endure baby mama drama,” said Miss Chrissie1.

“This is what knowing what you’re getting into and embracing makes life easy. This people of ‘I want you but…’ yawa,” thought Odingo J.

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