Renowned Ugandan songstress Juliana Kanyomozi has addressed the persistent rumors surrounding the identity of her second child's...
Ugandan singer Juliana Kanyamozi is mourning the sudden and unexpected passing of her younger brother, Edward Freeman Kim. The...
Juliana Kanyomozi has adressed what she described as a concerning trend involving mourners attending funerals with cameras in an attempt to...
Award-winning Ugandan singer Juliana Kanyomozi has expressed her desire to become a mother again after losing her first child, Keron...
Ugandan singer Juliana Kanyomozi has given birth to a bouncing baby boy. Juliana while announcing the good news on social media said her...
Ugandan songstress Juliana Kanyomozi has penned a moving birthday message for her late son. In a moving Instagram message, Juliana said...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...