Maureen Waititu, one of Kenya's renowned influencers, model and a lawyer by career, continues to be celebrated for her massive weight loss...
Sandra Mbuvi, popularly known as Thickyy Sandra on social media, is one of the daughters of former Nairobi governor Mike Sonko Mbuvi. On...
Exercising oneself into a new body shape is one of the biggest achievements for people across the world. Be it losing weight or padding it...
Kenyan actress Catherine Kamau aka Kate actress is not shying away from flaunting her new body months after undergoing a weight loss...
Media personality, Willis Raburu has called out people who have been using his current photo to advertise their natural weight loss...
Media personality, Willis Raburu has revealed details of his gastric bypass surgery that cost him Sh900,000. Gastric bypass is a type of...
For decades and across generations, both men and women - at one point in their lives - wished for slimmer and well-toned bodies. This is...
Award-winning Kenyan actress Catherine Kamau aka Kate Actress has shared with her fans details of a gastric balloon procedure she recently...
Fashion and fitness enthusiast Zia Jepkemei Bett, who is rapper Nyashinski’s wife, says she has lost 12kg after struggling with weight...
At the beginning of every new year, most people come up with the New Year resolutions. For media personality Willis Raburu, one of his...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...