Former Sol Generation signee, Bensol, has shared a deeply personal experience that left him broken but transformed his music career. In...
Vincent Muasya, popularly known as Chipukeezy has shared intimate details about his difficult upbringing during...
Songstress Sofiya Nzau, who shot into the international spotlight with her hit single "Mwaki" featuring Zerb, is back with another...
Actress and content creator Foi Wambui has opened up about her split from her ex-boyfriend, singer Charisma. The couple dated for two...
Six years ago, Rwandase star singer Bruce Melodie woke up to find the internet aflame with rumors that he was drunk on stage and even...
Veteran rapper Jackson 'CMB Prezzo' Ngechu has opened up about his struggle with fame. The 44-year-old, who shot into the limelight in...
Defunct Sauti Sol's Sol Generation Records has announced a new opening for artists between the ages of 18 and 35 to join the labels'...
Top filmmakers Phil Karanja of Phil-it Productions and Kenneth Ambani are in the United States as part of the American Film Showcase Fellow...
Notable African fashion designers, music producers, and photographers were recently hosted in Epernay, France for a cross-cultural exchange...
Glen Washington is back in Kenya. The 67-year-old Jamaican reggae songwriter and drummer arrived earlier this month and is set to perform...
Years after witnessing the death of the revered hero...
After Santa Claus (codename: Red One) is kidnapped, the...