Renowned Mugiithi artiste Lawrence Njuguna, popularly known as DJ Fatxo, has broken his silence on viral allegations suggesting his...
In 2022, after gaining internet fame for falling out with his former best friend, socialite Vera Sidika, Maxwell Mwamburi began bragging...
US Ambassador to Kenya Margaret Whiteman (Meg) has said that the US has an engagement with the LGBTQ community members in the...
Homa Bay town MP Peter Kaluma, who has tabled a Bill in Parliament that seeks to punish homosexuality in Kenya with life imprisonment, this...
It’s no surprise that women nowadays seek refuge in other women after countless heartbreaks that have seen them give up on the dating...
Kenyan gospel artiste Daddy Owen has come out guns blazing after Instagram pulled down his latest LGBTQ post in what it termed as...
We live in an era where some men desire to be women. They want to be recognized as female despite being born male and so, in extreme cases,...
The monstrous murder of LGBTQ member Edwin Chiloba whose body was found stashed inside a metallic box has opened a huge online debate over...
The film reveals the origin story of half-human, half-Atlantean ...
Following the conclusion of Split, Glass finds David Dunn ...